Marista Brasil

Socio-educational and Evangelization Division releases Report on Social Quality of Education

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The Marist Institute’s mission is a constant commitment to education, social justice, equity, and empowering vulnerable communities. Inspired by this mission, in 2023, the Social and Public Affairs department led a pilot project involving five social units: Centro Marista Divino Pai Eterno (Aparecida de Goiânia /GO), Colégio Marista Pio XII (Surubim/PE), Colégio Marista São Marcelino Champagnat (Novo Hamburgo/RS), Marista Escola Social Ir. Justino (São Paulo/SP), and Marista Escola Social São José (São José/SC).

Through indicators, the project focused on materializing the excellence of social quality in education and analyzing the social impact promoted by these institutions in their regions.

To present the results of the pilot project and reflect the Marist Institute’s commitment to transparency, continuous evaluation, and constant improvement of its educational and social practices, the Socio-educational and Evangelization Division released a Report on the Social Quality of Education. Organized into seven chapters, the document addresses Marist’s social work in education, the social units and their impact on Brazilian education, an overall analysis of all units, and future perspectives.

Check out the full report: Access here.

The purpose is not only to measure but to broaden the understanding of the social impact generated in the communities where the social units operate, through indicators that cover human, social, and economic development, as well as to present the learning conditions of children, adolescents, and young people.

The report goes beyond numbers and statistics, presenting the unique characteristics of each community, and understanding their needs, aspirations, and challenges. The Social and Public Affairs department within the Division operates based on four fundamental pillars: Social Quality in Education, Social Impact, Social Technology, and Advocacy. The document systematically presents the results and impacts generated by the social units’ work, considering the pillars of social quality in education and social impact.

Click here to access the full report.



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